Fresh premium blooms, handmade by our team of florists, and delivered to your doorstep


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From us at LVLY to our fellow business owners:

We believe in doing business thoughtfully and we’ve always cared deeply about making our customers happy. At LVLY we’re putting our customers first by allowing them to opt-out from potentially sensitive marketing messages around big calendar events. Imagine Valentine’s Day for someone who recently lost a partner, imagine Mother’s Day or Father’s Day for someone who recently lost a parent or is struggling to have a child.

In May 2021 we gave customers in Australia the option to opt-out of Mother’s Day communications – the response was overwhelming. Our social channels and customer service team were inundated with messages of appreciation and support for our empathetic approach to an occasion that can be very triggering for some people. We’ll be doing the same thing for sensitive occasions throughout the year.

We’re extending an open invitation to the Malaysian business community to join the ‘Thoughtful Marketing Movement’. We have a responsibility to respect and protect people’s emotional and psychological wellbeing – together our empathy and impact can be far reaching.

The Thoughtful Marketing Movement aims to change the culture around brand communications and improve the experience for customers across the industry.

The movement is now a community of over 170 businesses. From newsletters and advice to Q&As with marketers in the community, opinion pieces, live panels, and how-to guides, the movement is a space for marketers to discuss, inspire, educate and help each other find ways to be more thoughtful together.

As we’ve seen the enormous potential this movement has to make a positive impact, we’d like to put our feelers out to other like-minded Malaysian businesses. We’d love to build up a community of Malaysian marketers who can help be leaders in driving this awesome initiative started by our friends in the UK.

The Thoughtful Marketing Movement started in the UK in early 2019, led by another online flower company called Bloom & Wild. With encouragement from Bloom & Wild, LVLY has become the APAC champion for this movement.